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Home of the Shining Stars

About Us

Serving students in preschool through fifth grade in the Bruton Zone of the York County School Division. 

Waller Mill Elementary School
314 Waller Mill Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185

School Hours: 8:55 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Phone: 757-220-4060

News & Announcements

Federal Impact Aid Survey

Each year, the federal government requires school divisions to survey every family to identify students who are federally connected. The information gathered through the confidential Impact Aid survey directly impacts the amount of funding YCSD receives. These funds are essential for providing teachers, support staff with textbooks, classroom computers, library books and other supplies and equipment needed to prepare every child for a successful future. 

Read More about Federal Impact Aid Survey
school cash online logo

The York County School Division has transitioned to a new online payment and form system, SchoolCash Online. This platform replaces Rycor as the preferred method of payment for school-related fees such as fundraisers, field trips, school spirit wear, etc. (Please note the new payment system is NOT related to school cafeteria accounts).

Read More about Online Forms and Fees Platform
school attendance zones

During Monday’s meeting, the board received a presentation from ArcBridge Consulting regarding the five options developed to address student enrollment and available classroom space within each elementary school. Dr. Jim Carroll, chief operations officer, then shared the recommendations from the stakeholder committee charged with evaluating the consultant’s plans.

Read More about Elementary Attendance Zone Review

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